Monday 11 September 2017

Visit to the hypermarket

Being the first day of the working week I went into Colmenar to visit the local tyre fitter.   He speaks no English and I speak no Spanish.   I showed him the burst tyre and he looked through his tyre stock but the nearest was a Good Year.   From hand gestures I gathered he would ring the supplier and get a Continental of the right size.   It would be ready tomorrow at 1.00pm.   It is surprising how you can get by using body language.   This was how I explained to a supermarket assistant on the way down that I was looking for sugar.   I got my sugar!

As the temporary tyre must not be driven faster than 50mph the journey south took ages.   But today, on local roads, we just sailed along and enjoyed the mountain scenery.   Some of the mountains are simply massive rocks spewed upward millions of years ago when the world was being born.   They look truly majestic.   The road winds for about 20 miles down from Colmenar.   As the crow files it is probably 5 miles!   This countryside has to be seen to understand its beauty.

The shopping took a long time as the hypermarket is vast and it takes time to get around it, particularly for Pauline in her wheelchair.   I was pushing her with the trolley and she steered!   It worked.   Shopping for fish and seafood is a joy because they have everything.   By now I know that Dorada is Gilt Head Bream and Lubina is Sea Bass.   It gets easier each time we go.   The wine section is very well stocked with quality wine at excellent prices.   We like a Spanish Sherry called Manzanilla.   It has to be grown around San Luca de Barrameda to be successful.   At home the two bottles I bought would cost about £16.   These were 4.50 euros each.

Checking out is a long process, taking six bags of goods plus bottles in my own wine carriers supplied by Lidl.   We went quietly down the concourse as far as the ice cream shop and indulged.   O joy of joys - what a taste!   Finally we got the tank filled up and went back to base.   It took me an hour to unload the purchases, carry them across to the house and put them away.

My swim was very effective and I am now looking forward to tomorrow and a new tyre.

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