Sunday 10 September 2017

Not the start we wished for

The ship sailed an hour late from Portsmouth and then, during the night, a passenger who had had a heart attack was evacuated by helicopter and we arrived two hours late in Santander.   It was tricky finding our way through an unlit spaghetti junction but we eventually got to the hotel.   Two cycling teams in La Vuelta (Tour of Spain) were in the hotel.   Next day was uneventful as we drove to Parador La Granja near Segovia.
Later, on our way south to Parador de Almagro we had a tyre burst at the toll station on the R4 motorway.   Over three hours before help arrived.   They could not find us even though we were at the toll station!   We then drove at reduced speed on our temporary tyre in the dark to Almagro.   Next day we could not find a tyre fitter as they don't open Saturdays.   So we drove the rest of the way slowly down the motorways with everyone passing us!
We arrived at Finca Manolo at 5.00pm to be greeted, horror of horrors, by a mother cat and her kittens.   There are no longer any cats living there, we were told!   I hope to rid us of the cats by chasing them away and not feeding them.
Tomorrow, the house owner will help me get a tyre fitter to get a permanent job done.   Today will be relaxation by the pool.

Footnote:   On Brittany Ferries website yesterday I discovered that another sailing from Portsmouth to Santander has been delayed because of a medivac involving another ship.   Sorry for the sufferers.

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