Wednesday 27 September 2017

Finally, it came

Today began with total cloud and at lunchtime it was raining.   Although we have not used the pool, once the rain stopped I cooked lunch and we ate under the verandah  on the south side of the house.   It was fresh pasta - Ravioli with a basil pasata.   It was good and gave me ideas for lunches at home.

This afternoon I found an icon on my smartphone that allows me to do things using voice control.   It was fascinating as I tried different applications.   I have had this Samsung model for about 4 years and only now have I tried some of the standard apps.   I shall never change from PAYG though.

Sue rang today and requested some things we could get for her so tomorrow will see me going on the trek to Eroski Hypermarket again.   It keeps me out of mischief, though.

After coming here since 2010, with a gap in 2014 when we chose France, I have actually found one of the original routes, provided by the owners, bypassing Colmenar centre to get here.   Because the road we have usually used is closed for repairs, I have found a number of new ways through the village.   Previously we knew one way up and one way down!   The world is growing!!!!!

Tonight we shall be eating Lubina again.   It tastes far better here than at home.   But then, so does San Miguel beer.   Now that the owners have installed a new (LPG) cooker I find it easier to use and it gets to boiling point much faster than the old one.   In fact, the old one didn't seem to have the energy to produce a boil.   It has certainly meant I have used the BBQ a lot less which gave us more variety of taste.

Speak soon.

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