Sunday 17 September 2017

Peace, perfect peace

We rose this morning to find the usual sunny day we are now used to.   Breakfast was on the patio.   My task for the day was to do a load of washing in a washing machine that could not be used when the mains water supply was off.   The water supply has been off since we arrived.

When Trevor came round on Friday he showed me how to get round certain problems.   Although the washing machine was linked to a mains only water supply and so could not be used on reserve there was a way round it.   You load the washing machine and then take the watering can which you fill from the swimming pool.   Two watering canfuls are enough to get the ball rolling.   Set the programme and then press Start.   Away goes the machine.   "If it stops," said Trevor, "Fill it up some more from the pool."   Well, I did this several times to help it through the programme cycle.   Eventually it completed the programme and after 5 minutes the door was unlocked and I took out the clean clothes.   They are now on the drying frame outside the front door.

The other task I was shown was how to change over the reserve water supply when the first tank was empty.   This is something I had no experience as in previous visits when the water went off there was always sufficient in the first reserve tank to cope with it.   This year, southern Spain has been very dry.   Driving past Lake Vinuela we had noticed the level lower than in any other year we had been here.   Apparently there are water tankers running around with supplies this year.   It's just like the time when water tankers were filling reservoirs back home one year.

I prepared a light lunch and we had a bottle of San Miguel each.   Then we set about hydrotherapy!   The pool is just the right length so that I can swim under water on a single breath end to end.

Each day we have noticed that there is absolutely no bird song until around 5 or 6 o'clock.   Even then there is not much.   Each year we get horse riders up and down the lane outside at weekends.   In addition, this year, there have been motor cyclists too, but just at weekends.

This year I have become proficient in dealing with all problems at Finca Manolo.   I am now fully qualified as a trouble shooter around the house!

The food last night, as I said previously, was pork medallions and they tasted better than I have ever known.   Pauline suggested a sauce and the whole dish worked.   Tonight I shall be doing chicken wings on the BBQ.

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