Wednesday 20 September 2017

Still no pottery

We set off in hope today, driving to the village of Moclinejo to locate their pottery.   The road into the village has a wonderful archway and the streets are narrow, winding, and, sometimes, steep.   The village is an absolute gem!   The square with three eateries is even more a gem!   But, even had we found the pottery there was no parking to allow us to take Pauline in the wheelchair into the square.

If we had located the pottery we would have stayed in the square for lunch.   However, we went back along the motorway after a few miles and found our way back to Velez-Malaga.   We took a chance and drove round there.   Only one shop advertised "ceramic" and there was a disabled parking spot outside.   But they did sell the sort of pottery we were looking for.   Mind you we didn't come away empty handed.   We bought "four candles" for one euro to put in the outside eating area candelabra.

Not to be outdone, we took the road again and stopped at our favourite spot for lunch.   It has excellent views of lake Vinuela - what is left of it in the drought.   Pauline had chicken pieces in an almond sauce and I had pork medallions in a wonderful sweet sauce.   We started with seafood soup.  Wonderful food, once again.   We end up there at least once each year.   This year we met four Lottery millionaires.

We got back to Finca Manolo to find we had still got no mains water.   The pool level is slowly dropping.   Very soon I shall have to change to reserve tank 2 as shown by Trevor.   The weather is a little cooler, being 27/28 degrees.

Tonight will be a light meal as we are full from lunchtime!

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