Saturday 16 September 2017

Another lazy day

Yesterday we did nothing except read and swim in  the pool.   Pauline is so relaxed and getting full benefit from the holiday.   Trevor, the owner of the house came round and we chatted to him as he did the pool clean.   Unfortunately for him and his wife, Sue, they have had to cancel their plans to fly to Greece this month.   "it's only a holiday" he said.   But it is sad that after a whole summer taking care of the holiday properties they couldn't get a break.

He told us, too, that his father-in-law, Terry, is suffering Alzheimer's and it is hard on Eileen, his wife.    I feel sad about this because I have had many a chat with Terry.   He lives just round the corner from Finca Manolo.   He used to come up every morning to feed the cats who were resident here at the time.   Talking of cats, we have seen no more of the family who tried to camp on us this week.   There was one hanger on, a lovely young black and white cat who hoped to take up residence and he/she has been around but not today.

Early in the afternoon I decided to go into the house.   I was by the pool and so stepped down a rather deep step at house level.   I lost balance, tripped on the edge of the patio and measured my length - still 5ft 8ins!   No damage was done but I should have stepped down onto the wooden step which is there for Pauline's safety.   I made it 2 years ago and brought it out with us.   Wouldn't you think I would know why I had made this step?

Last evening I made a mixed salad for a starter and followed this with fried Lubina (Sea bass in the UK).   The fish tasted so pure and fresh.   I've cooked it may times before and it has not tasted like that.   This morning we drove into Colmenar to top up supplies.   The street we always use to make this journey is completely blocked up with repairs   This means using an alternative route, involving the most difficult hair pin bend I have seen.   However, we made it to the bottom and visited the local small supermarket.   I then called at the small grocer's shop at the top of the road works to get some grapes.   My route back to base was to try and follow in reverse the route I have taken into Colmenar ever since 2010.   It didn't look the same so I kept going up the hill through streets I have never used before in the hope that I was not on a cul de sac.   It worked well and soon we were on the scenic route home.

Following Brie and Grapes for lunch we swam in the pool.   The meal tonight is pork medallions in sauce.   Should be nice.

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