Saturday 23 September 2017

Recuperation today

We have been rising early (for us that is!) and having a cup of tea in the peace of a fresh morning before the strength of the sun changes the mood.   It has been peaceful in a unique way.   last night I agreed to get Pauline out of bed for another peaceful time.   I rose today to find Mount Maroma was invisible as she was covered in cloud.   Much of the sky overhead was cloud and the outlook was not good.   I left Pauline asleep.

Later on the sun burned off some of the cloud, including a black and threatening one.   The morning improved and the day got better and better.   It was good because we had decided to get our strength up after the trip to Frigiliana for pottery yesterday.   We sat till we were getting too hot and then took to the pool and that was how the day went on.

As usual we did a lot of reading on our Kindles which can be read in bright light.   Every so often we would raise our heads and enjoy the view surrounding us.   This is what we came for - to soak up this lovely view.

Tonight we had our usual glass of Manzanilla and eventually I cooked some Dorada for dinner.   Dorada is the Spanish name for Gilt Head Bream which looks and tastes like Sea Bream.   The taste was excellent.   Food always tastes so good when eaten in the open air.   This is certainly the place to do it.

We have been at Finca Manolo for 2 weeks with a further week to go..   All that time we have been on reserve water supply.   Trevor says this is the longest the place has been without mains water.   I closed down reserve tank 1 yesterday and started to use water from number 2.   If the weather does not change I can see Trevor having to order a tanker to drop a load.

I understand the weather back home has not been that friendly.   What a contrast!

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