Friday 6 October 2017

The leaving of Finca Manolo

We set off for northern Spain at 10.00am.   As we expected, SatNav directed us up the A45 which was the start of our usual route.   However, the signs started to tell us we were getting closer and closer to Seville.   I checked the shadows of the traffic and sure enough we were heading west.   Eventually we actually drove into part of Seville on normal unban roads which led to another motorway.   We then turned north and headed towards our intermediate destination of Trujillo and its Parador.

Trujillo is an ancient town in a great defensive position on a hillside.   SatNav took us right to the door!   We checked in and were taken to our room which was their accessible room on level 1.   However we had come in on Level 2 and I got lost, trying to find my way back out to get the luggage!   The parking was on the old cobbled street outside.   That night we ordered cod in the restaurant hoping it would taste better than at home.   It did not but it was pleasant enough.   I can't remember what I had as a dessert but Pauline chose mango sorbet in yoghurt with sesame seeds and loved it.

Next morning we had breakfast and then left for Santander.   When I started the car there was a warning that brake fluid was very low.   I consulted SatNav for the nearest filling station and went there.   before I went in I input brake fluid into the translator and got it in Spanish.   I could not find brake fluid.   I asked the assistant and she looked but could not find it either.   I went back to the car and started keying in to SatNav to locate the next nearest filling station.   As I did this the assistant came out, holding a container of brake fluid and saved the day!!!

It was then a journey of about five and a half hours to Santander.   When we arrived we found that the restaurant in the hotel was closed to us.   Thankfully the receptionist was Beatriz who speaks good English.   She tried to help us find an alternative but every one was closed - it was Sunday!   We ended up eating crisps and chocolates to avoid empty stomachs.   Of the three receptionists, Beatriz and Sonia speak good English, but our favourite, Marisa speaks no English at all.   But she is brilliant at body language that makes you fall about laughing.   The manager said Marisa had worked with her for 25 years and never learned English.   But we love her.

Next morning we had breakfast but, this time, did not drive to Comillas for a short break before parking up for the ferry.   We had planned, as in other years, to go there but it was raining steadily.   So we went down early to the port.   We boarded the ferry and I then waited 2 hours in a queue to book a table in the A La Carte restaurant.   Luckily I had a large beer in my hand which got lighter as time passed!

Our meal was for 8.30pm and we thoroughly enjoyed it.   The main course was Monkfish and it was lovely.   The meals here are to die for.   We washed it all down with a nice Sancerre white wine.

Next morning we were very late rising and didn't get breakfast till after 11.00am.   It worked well as it meant we didn't have to get any more food before we disembarked.   We came in to Portsmouth 15 minutes late and getting off the ship was amazingly slow.   Then we had the customary delays at Border Control.   4.00pm saw us setting off for Solihull where we were to stay the night with my cousin and his wife.   We always enjoy getting together with Brian and Heather.   9.00am saw us leave for home.   How good it was to arrive back home with a wonderful holiday behind us.   We hope to go back in 2018.

Friday 29 September 2017

Last day at Finca Manolo

The last day always arrives and it is here.   Yesterday's weather was a mix of sun and cloud but warm enough to enjoy, which we did.   I actually forgot to take my medication, which, at home would have slowed me down with tight chest and slightly difficult breathing.   It was 3.30pm before we got back from final shopping and I didn't notice any change at all.   I took my treatment and continued as normal.

The rest of the afternoon was spent by or in the pool.   It has been the best hydrotherapy Pauline could have.   She has really enjoyed her stay here and that is so pleasing.   When Pauline is happy it means I am too.   It has been a great time of rest and recuperation for both of us.   We looked forward to it for such a long time and it worked out just right.

This is now the longest period the mains water has been off and it has made no difference.   I think Trevor is going to have to pay for a tanker to top up the reserve tanks for the people that follow us.   

Last night I cooked whole chicken breasts - first in the oven and then in the sauce.   I stuffed the breasts with mozzarella and the taste was good.   However, we decided the filling would be better if I had chosen soft cheese like Philadelphia.   Our dessert was a chocolate mousse that went down well.

This year we shall bring home two cases of wine plus a few extras to enjoy.   One is a Rioja that is a Gran Reserva of 1994 vintage.   That will be drunk with the very best Welsh Black Beef!

Tomorrow we drive north west to Trujillo which we have not visited before.   We stay one night and then head for Santander and our good friends at Hotel Chateau La Roca.   On Monday we sail for Portsmouth.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Finally, it came

Today began with total cloud and at lunchtime it was raining.   Although we have not used the pool, once the rain stopped I cooked lunch and we ate under the verandah  on the south side of the house.   It was fresh pasta - Ravioli with a basil pasata.   It was good and gave me ideas for lunches at home.

This afternoon I found an icon on my smartphone that allows me to do things using voice control.   It was fascinating as I tried different applications.   I have had this Samsung model for about 4 years and only now have I tried some of the standard apps.   I shall never change from PAYG though.

Sue rang today and requested some things we could get for her so tomorrow will see me going on the trek to Eroski Hypermarket again.   It keeps me out of mischief, though.

After coming here since 2010, with a gap in 2014 when we chose France, I have actually found one of the original routes, provided by the owners, bypassing Colmenar centre to get here.   Because the road we have usually used is closed for repairs, I have found a number of new ways through the village.   Previously we knew one way up and one way down!   The world is growing!!!!!

Tonight we shall be eating Lubina again.   It tastes far better here than at home.   But then, so does San Miguel beer.   Now that the owners have installed a new (LPG) cooker I find it easier to use and it gets to boiling point much faster than the old one.   In fact, the old one didn't seem to have the energy to produce a boil.   It has certainly meant I have used the BBQ a lot less which gave us more variety of taste.

Speak soon.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Funny how things turn out

Yes, today we drove down the motorways past Malaga to Puerto Banus near Marbella.   This is where many very rich people live and come for a holiday in the sun.   We drove into the town and drove round the central streets looking for a useful parking spot.   From here we could then take a walk round the exclusive shops and people-watch.   We could not find a single parking spot as they were all taken by Porsches, Mercs, BMWs, Jaguars etc.   So we left and headed back east!

As lunchtime was upon us we decided to take the motorway back towards Torre del Mar to find somewhere we could eat.   Along the way I remembered that we once drove along the coast road between Rincon de la Victoria and Torre del Mar and there were places to eat along the way.   By doing this we spotted a small bar and restaurant by the long beach and stopped.   Not only were there parking spots but also a number of disabled parking slots free.   One was right outside the restaurant.

We went inside and had an amazing fish lunch.   They specialised in seafood and fish so we chose the dish that contained all the fish caught locally.   It was piled up on our plates.   I fought my way through but Pauline capitulated at the two thirds point.   In addition we got a glass of water, bread and two small beers.   The cost was 25 euros!   Not bad at all!

Afterwards we headed for the Eroski Hypermarket to get our final food needs for our last week here.   Pauline bought gifts in a nearby shop and we had ice cream before leaving.   We got back and I took the food indoors and we read our Kindles until 9.00pm when I did some toast.   We were still quite full from lunchtime.

We had a lovely day!

Monday 25 September 2017

Another day by the pool

The weather today was perfect.   It did get too hot to sit by the pool but we can always sit in the shade on the patio.   We had planned to visit Marbella and Puerto Banus to see how the others live but Pauline had a stomach upset so we stayed put.   Our plan is to go there tomorrow.

Once her stomach settled Pauline was able to swim and benefit from hydrotherapy.   As for me I went in the pool alone until Pauline felt better.   It was lovely and I really enjoyed it.   We enjoyed lunch which was cut short by the number of wasps attracted by serrano ham and Manchego cheese.   It was such a relaxing day.   

In the evening, once the wasps had gone to bed we had an enjoyable dinner with barbecued brochettes of pork accompanied by Caesar Salad.   The wine was a Marques de Riscal and was enjoyable.   We really enjoyed the meal which was ended with a special sort of profiteroles.   I love cooking.

As we sat by the pool we considered the view.   To the east Mount Maroma was in mist and to the south we saw Comares sitting on top of the mountain.   W e thought about days long gone by when Comares must have been the classical citadel on a mountain top, repelling all who invaded.   It really s the most impregnable position I have ever seen.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Four Candles

You will remember that we had difficulty originally in finding a shop selling pottery.   We called at a shop in Velez-Malaga with "Ceramics" on its sign.   It had some but nothing we liked.   However, we did buy a set of candles which eventually we lit one evening ready for dinner.   So, here they are - FOUR CANDLES without the Two Ronnies:

You should have seen the mess after they had burned out!   There was the most amazing wax sculpture and it flowed down and over the able.   It took quite a while to remove it from the table top!

Today was a very lazy day indeed.   Our lunch was a prawn based salad and it tasted wonderful.   The downside was that it attracted many wasps.   They seem to love seafood because our lunch with mussels ended up with the same experience.   Worth remembering if you come out self catering.

We have agreed that this holiday really is the pinnacle of the year and that we shall be returning next September.   We hope to travel via Salamanca next time to see what is said to be a beautiful city.   It is also possible that we shall include more visiting historic places than we have done so far.

Tomorrow we are setting out to watch the wealthy folk who stay in Marbella.   A report will be forthcoming!

Saturday 23 September 2017

Recuperation today

We have been rising early (for us that is!) and having a cup of tea in the peace of a fresh morning before the strength of the sun changes the mood.   It has been peaceful in a unique way.   last night I agreed to get Pauline out of bed for another peaceful time.   I rose today to find Mount Maroma was invisible as she was covered in cloud.   Much of the sky overhead was cloud and the outlook was not good.   I left Pauline asleep.

Later on the sun burned off some of the cloud, including a black and threatening one.   The morning improved and the day got better and better.   It was good because we had decided to get our strength up after the trip to Frigiliana for pottery yesterday.   We sat till we were getting too hot and then took to the pool and that was how the day went on.

As usual we did a lot of reading on our Kindles which can be read in bright light.   Every so often we would raise our heads and enjoy the view surrounding us.   This is what we came for - to soak up this lovely view.

Tonight we had our usual glass of Manzanilla and eventually I cooked some Dorada for dinner.   Dorada is the Spanish name for Gilt Head Bream which looks and tastes like Sea Bream.   The taste was excellent.   Food always tastes so good when eaten in the open air.   This is certainly the place to do it.

We have been at Finca Manolo for 2 weeks with a further week to go..   All that time we have been on reserve water supply.   Trevor says this is the longest the place has been without mains water.   I closed down reserve tank 1 yesterday and started to use water from number 2.   If the weather does not change I can see Trevor having to order a tanker to drop a load.

I understand the weather back home has not been that friendly.   What a contrast!

Friday 22 September 2017


Today we had a visit from Trevor who, with his wife Sue, owns the property.   The visit was to clean the pool, arrange for the refurbishment of two dining chairs that had broken, to replace three light bulbs in the kitchen so I did not have to cook in the dark, and  to collect bedding and towels for washing.   He forgot the washing!

The day was sunny and very warm and, when he asked, we said we were going to stay here and enjoy the pool.   What did we do?   We drove to Frigiliana to see if we could get some pottery items.   We set off and, apart from a short delay on the motorway caused by an earlier accident we got to Frigiliana to hunt for pottery.   We found a vacant disabled parking spot and I wheeled Pauline to the pottery shop.   It turned out to be just the right place and we made a number of purchases there.   So now we have the pottery items we sought.   Mission accomplished!

After we got the pottery we opted for a light lunch a few yards away.   We had sandwiches and a glass of beer.   It was very nice and we had a very nice waiter serving us.   I asked for the bill and, when it came, I added a tip for the waiter.   We got up from the table to tackle the slope down to where the car was parked.   Lo and behold, the young waiter took over the wheelchair and gently got Pauline down to the car.   It was quite a steep slope.   He was really nice.   Glad I left a tip.

We came back to base by way of the hypermarket where we got extra food and petrol for the car.   We then drove home and sat out and read our Kindles.   Although it was not the planned lazy day we did have the success of making our ceramic purchases as planned before we came out.

As we had eaten at lunchtime we opted for a light dinner.   We bought tortolloni pasta and a pasata and when cooked it was just what we needed.   There is quite a lot of fish in the freezer so we shall be devouring this before we leave in just over a week.   We love the high life!   I have already built up the wine for bringing home.   We love Faustino V white rioja so there is a load to bring home.   On our return we shall have 3 cases of wine!

So all is working well here in Axarquia and further reports will be made.

Thursday 21 September 2017

It's better in the mountains

I looked at the weather forecast early today and was dismayed to find our forecast was for a cooler day with cloud cover.   This forecast was for Malaga, down on the coast.   So far today it has been hotter and cloudless up here in the mountains.   We are close to the Sierra Trajeda with Mount Maroma in the middle distance.   After a few sessions in the pool we opted to have lunch.   What should we have?   It was mussels and crusty bread - WOW!   Very tasty but they really attract wasps!!!.

Pauline did a little hand washing this morning and I did the wringing out!   She was quite miffed because I could squeeze out more water than she could.

The views surrounding us here are really scenic.   The five mile drive from Colmenar, nearest town/village, is very lovely .   At one point we cross a ridge with a valley on either side.   Dotted around on the slopes are lots of white houses which add interest to the landscape.   Part of the mountain scenery consists of massive rocks, perhaps 1,000 feet high.   These look so majestic.

We read a lot as we sit in the sun.   I have come indoors to recharge my Kindle.   Last evening was very fraught as I struggled to find an English-Spanish translator to download to my phone.   I eventually did it.   I suppose that now I shall not need it!

Got a possible place for pottery to try out tomorrow.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Still no pottery

We set off in hope today, driving to the village of Moclinejo to locate their pottery.   The road into the village has a wonderful archway and the streets are narrow, winding, and, sometimes, steep.   The village is an absolute gem!   The square with three eateries is even more a gem!   But, even had we found the pottery there was no parking to allow us to take Pauline in the wheelchair into the square.

If we had located the pottery we would have stayed in the square for lunch.   However, we went back along the motorway after a few miles and found our way back to Velez-Malaga.   We took a chance and drove round there.   Only one shop advertised "ceramic" and there was a disabled parking spot outside.   But they did sell the sort of pottery we were looking for.   Mind you we didn't come away empty handed.   We bought "four candles" for one euro to put in the outside eating area candelabra.

Not to be outdone, we took the road again and stopped at our favourite spot for lunch.   It has excellent views of lake Vinuela - what is left of it in the drought.   Pauline had chicken pieces in an almond sauce and I had pork medallions in a wonderful sweet sauce.   We started with seafood soup.  Wonderful food, once again.   We end up there at least once each year.   This year we met four Lottery millionaires.

We got back to Finca Manolo to find we had still got no mains water.   The pool level is slowly dropping.   Very soon I shall have to change to reserve tank 2 as shown by Trevor.   The weather is a little cooler, being 27/28 degrees.

Tonight will be a light meal as we are full from lunchtime!

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Searcvhing, searching

On Monday, with shops open again (shops close on a Sunday here) we set off to the hypermarket 50 kilometers away by winding road.   We started with a trip round the store to top up foodstuffs.   We must now have enough because the fridge and the freezer have no more space!   After checking out I took the trolley back to the car  and then we went into - wait for it!- C & A.  Believe it or not C & A still exists.   There were lots to see, all with the famous label, Clockhouse.   You may think this is strange but I was looking for a light but warm jacket.   When we get back to Portsmouth I shall need something to keep me warm and I forgot my jacket when packing.   I found a hoodie for 20 euros.   Next we visited Casa next door to buy a candle in a jar.   It promptly blew out before we sat down to eat on the patio!

Our next mission was to find a shop in Torre del Mar selling pottery.   Torre del Mar is a mile down the road from the hypermarket.   We drove there and went round and round strange road systems but could not find the shop we had heard about.   So we drove back to Finca Manolo, took in all the shopping and went in the pool.   What a feeling after all that activity!

That night, for dinner, I cooked chicken fillets (stuffed with soft cheese and wrapped in Iberian ham) and did a lovely pasata based sauce in which the fillets were finished off.   It was very tasty indeed.   Our wine was Cordoniu Cava.   This is a sparkling wine that Spain does not export.   I heard about it from a previous manager of Majestic Wine in  Bangor.   He had been here on a tasting and was told that this particular Cordoniu was not exported.   He said it was good, and it is.

This weekend has seen our granddaughter, Isabel, celebrating her 19th birthday on the day she went to Leeds University.   It is the start of a new chapter for her and we wish her well.   So now we have two grandchildren at university.   Eleanor started at Manchester Met last year.   Our youngest granddaughter, Honor, started school last week.   This September is a real jumping off time!

Our search for pottery goes on, but I found on the Internet the location of a shop I cannot fail to find.   It is in the village of Moclinejo and I know exactly where that is.   A few years ago there was a Channel 4 Grand Designs Abroad about the design and building of a house just outside this village.   We went there 2 years ago to find it and discovered it was on the road above the village.   We didn't go down to the village and later wished we had.   They have a pottery shop so we are going tomorrow, Wednesday!   

Sunday 17 September 2017

Peace, perfect peace

We rose this morning to find the usual sunny day we are now used to.   Breakfast was on the patio.   My task for the day was to do a load of washing in a washing machine that could not be used when the mains water supply was off.   The water supply has been off since we arrived.

When Trevor came round on Friday he showed me how to get round certain problems.   Although the washing machine was linked to a mains only water supply and so could not be used on reserve there was a way round it.   You load the washing machine and then take the watering can which you fill from the swimming pool.   Two watering canfuls are enough to get the ball rolling.   Set the programme and then press Start.   Away goes the machine.   "If it stops," said Trevor, "Fill it up some more from the pool."   Well, I did this several times to help it through the programme cycle.   Eventually it completed the programme and after 5 minutes the door was unlocked and I took out the clean clothes.   They are now on the drying frame outside the front door.

The other task I was shown was how to change over the reserve water supply when the first tank was empty.   This is something I had no experience as in previous visits when the water went off there was always sufficient in the first reserve tank to cope with it.   This year, southern Spain has been very dry.   Driving past Lake Vinuela we had noticed the level lower than in any other year we had been here.   Apparently there are water tankers running around with supplies this year.   It's just like the time when water tankers were filling reservoirs back home one year.

I prepared a light lunch and we had a bottle of San Miguel each.   Then we set about hydrotherapy!   The pool is just the right length so that I can swim under water on a single breath end to end.

Each day we have noticed that there is absolutely no bird song until around 5 or 6 o'clock.   Even then there is not much.   Each year we get horse riders up and down the lane outside at weekends.   In addition, this year, there have been motor cyclists too, but just at weekends.

This year I have become proficient in dealing with all problems at Finca Manolo.   I am now fully qualified as a trouble shooter around the house!

The food last night, as I said previously, was pork medallions and they tasted better than I have ever known.   Pauline suggested a sauce and the whole dish worked.   Tonight I shall be doing chicken wings on the BBQ.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Another lazy day

Yesterday we did nothing except read and swim in  the pool.   Pauline is so relaxed and getting full benefit from the holiday.   Trevor, the owner of the house came round and we chatted to him as he did the pool clean.   Unfortunately for him and his wife, Sue, they have had to cancel their plans to fly to Greece this month.   "it's only a holiday" he said.   But it is sad that after a whole summer taking care of the holiday properties they couldn't get a break.

He told us, too, that his father-in-law, Terry, is suffering Alzheimer's and it is hard on Eileen, his wife.    I feel sad about this because I have had many a chat with Terry.   He lives just round the corner from Finca Manolo.   He used to come up every morning to feed the cats who were resident here at the time.   Talking of cats, we have seen no more of the family who tried to camp on us this week.   There was one hanger on, a lovely young black and white cat who hoped to take up residence and he/she has been around but not today.

Early in the afternoon I decided to go into the house.   I was by the pool and so stepped down a rather deep step at house level.   I lost balance, tripped on the edge of the patio and measured my length - still 5ft 8ins!   No damage was done but I should have stepped down onto the wooden step which is there for Pauline's safety.   I made it 2 years ago and brought it out with us.   Wouldn't you think I would know why I had made this step?

Last evening I made a mixed salad for a starter and followed this with fried Lubina (Sea bass in the UK).   The fish tasted so pure and fresh.   I've cooked it may times before and it has not tasted like that.   This morning we drove into Colmenar to top up supplies.   The street we always use to make this journey is completely blocked up with repairs   This means using an alternative route, involving the most difficult hair pin bend I have seen.   However, we made it to the bottom and visited the local small supermarket.   I then called at the small grocer's shop at the top of the road works to get some grapes.   My route back to base was to try and follow in reverse the route I have taken into Colmenar ever since 2010.   It didn't look the same so I kept going up the hill through streets I have never used before in the hope that I was not on a cul de sac.   It worked well and soon we were on the scenic route home.

Following Brie and Grapes for lunch we swam in the pool.   The meal tonight is pork medallions in sauce.   Should be nice.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Trip to Competa

After lazing by the pool this week we decided it was time to drive out and visit somewhere in Axarquia.   The obvious choice was Competa where there is a great feeling in the square.   It is a village around which many British people live.   So they turn up in on e of the three restaurants in the square.   To get there one has to drive several miles along the world's windiest road.   Along the way you will discover a garden centre.   

We got to the square and parked in exactly the same spot we found last year.   Once again we chose to have lunch in the middle unit of the three restaurants in the square.   Pauline had melon and ham which she declared exceptional followed by a fettuccini dish.   I chose gazpacho followed by swordfish.   The whole meal was excellent.

After paying the bill we went in the church where they have the most elaborate Madonna.   We came away and took the road as far as Velez-Malaga where we did a quick visit to the Eroski Hypermarket for things we needed.   At the Ice Cream Shop we had what I suppose was a lemon slush.   They were good!

Returning to base I stocked cupboards and fridge with our purchases and we both took to the pool.   On our arrival we noticed that we had no cats on site.   This meant that we could eat outside in the evening.   At 6.00pm we had a glass of Manzanilla each - why not when you are in the country where it is created.   It is a sherry you might otherwise term a pale dry fino.    In fact this is a breakdown from the sherry rules.   Sherry must come from the area around Jerez.   But this version has to come from the area surrounding Sam Luca de Barrameda.   It is just that little different and thus become Manzanilla.   We shall bring back at least 12 bottles in addition to wine.   We love it.   How did you guess?

Later, as we had partaken of significant food for lunch, we had a salad outside u8nder the stars.   This was the first time since we have been coming here that we have had just the two of us to eat and chat al fresco at Finca Manolo.   It was just wonderful!   It completed a lovely day.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

A lazy day

Yesterday when we dined the chair on which I was sitting suddenly lost its centre.   I picked up the broken off wood and put the chair to one side.   I was sitting still - honest!   Then this morning I noticed that Pauline's chair had lost wood.   It too was on its way.   On closer examination I discovered that the centre seat part of each chair was supported by 4 corner braces which had been glued on!   Neither screwed nor nailed!?   We had to move indoors for dining because the smell of food being cooked attracts the kittens who then leap on the table and try to steal food.   So now the exterior dining chairs will come inside as a health & safety measure.

No one can say our visits to Spain are without interest!  

Last night's paella remains were in the kitchen bin which I drove to the disposal point at the top of our lane.   The kittens had already been attracted by the smell.   Lunch today was pate on toast.   I don't know what sort of pate it was but we really enjoyed it.   It was washed down with San Miguel.   Out here the San Miguel 250 cl bottles appear to have crown corks but, in fact they can be opened by hand.   A very useful idea we could use at home.

Our afternoon was spent in and out of the pool and it was lovely.   I found my supply of charcoal and the firelighters I bought in Santander as we set off south.   So the bbq is ready to light.   We bought a bbq assortment of meat on Monday.   There is a spiral sausage, two chorizo sausages and two standard sausages together with 2 brochettes (kebabs to you).   So that will be our meal tonight after sundown. 

This is the most relaxing location we have ever known and the days are just drifting by now.   Even the fact that we have no water does not faze us because we have a reserve supply.   I am experienced in changing the water over to reserve when needed after the number of times we have been here.   In fact, I also know how to set up the electricity supply should a storm knock it out.   I might need to use this skill on Saturday as the present weather forecast says we can expect rain & lightning then.   Otherwise the weather forecast is totally wall to wall sunshine.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

The car tyre

Well, today I went to see the tyre fitter who had promised to get a tyre for today.   He had kept his promise but not fitted it because he had found the pressure sensor had been broken too.   It was difficult to take it from there as neither of us spoke the other's language.   I was about to ring someone I knew who was a Spanish speaker to translate when he called someone who spoke English.   She explained to me what I had deduced by that point.   The sensor was broken and there would be a permanent dashboard warning until it was replaced.   I told her I would have it replaced when I got back home and the tyre got fitted.   The message was passed and he did the job.

He is a perfectionist and did not want me going back to complain about a tyre pressure warning.   His whole attitude to his work was impressive and I came away highly satisfied.  I came back to the house and we had Brie and grapes for lunch washed down by Fanta Lemon.   Soon afterwards we were in the pool again.

Today has been hot with the temperature gauge on the car showing 36 degrees.   

Tonight I am cooking paella for dinner and there is some good wine to go with it.

Suddenly all stress has lifted, but I felt much better yesterday when I made arrangements for a new tyre.   On a temporary tyre and wheel the speed limit is 50mph but in the lanes around here there is no question of more than 25mph.,   The views around us remain spectacular and driving slowly gives you chance to enjoy them.

By the way - any Spanish tuition going in Anglesey?   Could be useful next year.

Monday 11 September 2017

Visit to the hypermarket

Being the first day of the working week I went into Colmenar to visit the local tyre fitter.   He speaks no English and I speak no Spanish.   I showed him the burst tyre and he looked through his tyre stock but the nearest was a Good Year.   From hand gestures I gathered he would ring the supplier and get a Continental of the right size.   It would be ready tomorrow at 1.00pm.   It is surprising how you can get by using body language.   This was how I explained to a supermarket assistant on the way down that I was looking for sugar.   I got my sugar!

As the temporary tyre must not be driven faster than 50mph the journey south took ages.   But today, on local roads, we just sailed along and enjoyed the mountain scenery.   Some of the mountains are simply massive rocks spewed upward millions of years ago when the world was being born.   They look truly majestic.   The road winds for about 20 miles down from Colmenar.   As the crow files it is probably 5 miles!   This countryside has to be seen to understand its beauty.

The shopping took a long time as the hypermarket is vast and it takes time to get around it, particularly for Pauline in her wheelchair.   I was pushing her with the trolley and she steered!   It worked.   Shopping for fish and seafood is a joy because they have everything.   By now I know that Dorada is Gilt Head Bream and Lubina is Sea Bass.   It gets easier each time we go.   The wine section is very well stocked with quality wine at excellent prices.   We like a Spanish Sherry called Manzanilla.   It has to be grown around San Luca de Barrameda to be successful.   At home the two bottles I bought would cost about £16.   These were 4.50 euros each.

Checking out is a long process, taking six bags of goods plus bottles in my own wine carriers supplied by Lidl.   We went quietly down the concourse as far as the ice cream shop and indulged.   O joy of joys - what a taste!   Finally we got the tank filled up and went back to base.   It took me an hour to unload the purchases, carry them across to the house and put them away.

My swim was very effective and I am now looking forward to tomorrow and a new tyre.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Sunday - a day of rest

We rose late this morning and showered and breakfasted.   I got out what I had thought was milk to put on the cereal.   Luckily I tasted it first.   It was a beverage that Vegans would love, made from tiger nuts!   In the store, yesterday, it looked just like the usual fresh milk container I usually see.

The family of cats who are trying to take up residence have got used to the fact that we don't want them and keep clear of us.   We are hoping they will leave when they don't get fed.   We swam in the pool and really enjoyed that.   Pauline has now found a much easier way of getting out of the pool - walking up the steps!   It now seems the difficult bit is getting in the water.

The views around us have been lovely in the sunshine and kept us in awe.

Tomorrow I hope to get the tyre replaced and things will become normal again.  It is the day for our main shop in the hypermarket near Velez-Malaga. Chicken with roasted vegetables tonight so I must get it organised.

Not the start we wished for

The ship sailed an hour late from Portsmouth and then, during the night, a passenger who had had a heart attack was evacuated by helicopter and we arrived two hours late in Santander.   It was tricky finding our way through an unlit spaghetti junction but we eventually got to the hotel.   Two cycling teams in La Vuelta (Tour of Spain) were in the hotel.   Next day was uneventful as we drove to Parador La Granja near Segovia.
Later, on our way south to Parador de Almagro we had a tyre burst at the toll station on the R4 motorway.   Over three hours before help arrived.   They could not find us even though we were at the toll station!   We then drove at reduced speed on our temporary tyre in the dark to Almagro.   Next day we could not find a tyre fitter as they don't open Saturdays.   So we drove the rest of the way slowly down the motorways with everyone passing us!
We arrived at Finca Manolo at 5.00pm to be greeted, horror of horrors, by a mother cat and her kittens.   There are no longer any cats living there, we were told!   I hope to rid us of the cats by chasing them away and not feeding them.
Tomorrow, the house owner will help me get a tyre fitter to get a permanent job done.   Today will be relaxation by the pool.

Footnote:   On Brittany Ferries website yesterday I discovered that another sailing from Portsmouth to Santander has been delayed because of a medivac involving another ship.   Sorry for the sufferers.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Our holiday in Spain, September 2017

Well friends,

The journey south is well under way.   But first, let me tell you about a short stay in Portsmouth.

This year, Pauline expressed a wish to visit the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.   This meant travelling to Portsmouth one day earlier than in previous years.   We stayed overnight at Premier Inn, Port Solent, and next day used the morning to go round the museum.   It was the best museum presentation we have ever seen.   The Mary Rose was HenryVIII's favourite ship and was in the Solent with the fleet.   When the French navy turned up she simply capsized.   Of course, the French claimed to have sunk her but there is no evidence.   The likeliest story is that she was either overloaded or incorrectly loaded.  
However she was located on the seabed and eventually carefully raised on a special cradle.   Following this she was sprayed with saltwater for 6 years and then slowly impregnated with a preserving wax.   She still rests on the cradle in a former dry dock/.  There she sits - about half a ship hull in subdued lighting.   At regular intervals visitors see holograms projected on her that show various crew members at work.   It is wonderful.   There are 3 levels you can use to view her as well as through a glass sided lift that takes you to each level.   On each level are hundreds of artefacts collected from the seabed and the ship from huge cannons to small coins.   There is even the skeleton of the ship's carpenter's dog in a sitting position.   It is the most extensive collection of Tudor artefacts in the world.   As it was raining at the end of our visit we were given complimentary plastic ponchos to keep the rain off.
Well worth a visit if you are in the area.

That morning I got a text telling me the ship would be delayed by 45 minutes.   This became 75 minutes and then the Pont Aven (pronounced Avenne) sailed for Spain.   We had the usual high class food in the restaurant before retiring to bed.   Next morning we discovered the ship would arrive 2 hours late at Santander.   During the night a passenger had a heart attack and had to be taken off by helicopter.    This meant that when we arrived it was dark and we had to satnav our way to Hotel
Chateau La Roca.   This was not easy because there were so many twists and turns we kept missing.   We did arrive there and we found that, once more, two cycling teams in La Vuelta (Spanish equivalent of the Tour de France) had got our usual parking place.   Nil desperandum because our friendly hotel manager had reserved a spot in their underground car park at no charge!
Before retiring we ate a lovely seafood meal washed down with beer.   In our room was our usual welcome gift of fruit.   We collapsed in bed!   Next morning we  chatted to all the staff who know us well by now.   At breakfast Pauline spilt coffee down her top and trousers so we washed the stained area and dried it with the hair dryer!   All was well except the trousers were written off.
Finally we left to start our journey south.   The farther we drove, the warmer it became.   We arrived at our Parador, parked up and checked in.   Now I am sitting in a peaceful room with Pauline resting her legs which are very painful.   We got the same room as last year.   We now wait with great expectations to see what dinner will be like.

Watch this space!