Friday 11 September 2015

What a strange day

We rose today and after breakfast decided to drive over to Velez-Malaga to do the main shopping.   As we drove along this familiar road we realised how the same mountains kept appearing from different angles.   Looking out from our house we can see the mountain top village of Comares.   We see many white villages on the mountainsides but this is one which sits right on the top.   It is about 3 miles from us.   Yet it keeps appearing all the way along this long and winding road.   Our scenery here is unique.   Most of the mountains are simply the most massive rocks rising above us.   It must be a rock climber's heaven.

The scenery is grand, rather than pretty.   It really takes your breath away.   We can look at it for ever.   Then we reach the border between Velez-Malaga and Torre del Mar.   This is where the road links to the motorway from Malaga and is also the location of the hypermarket, Eroski.   Eroski is a huge group and is owned by its employees.   It is a co-operative that began in Catalonia.    It sells just about everything you could desire.

It has the most amazing deli counter and fish counter.   There are countless hams (jamons) chorizos, cheeses, salamis and so on.   The list of fish is also very large.   Lobsters and crabs are still alive.   Prawns abound in many sizes, cooked and uncooked.   There are mussels & clams.   You can buy Tuna, Salmon, Sea Bream and Sardines by weight.   It is an Aladdin's cave for foodies.   In the fruit & veg section you choose what you want, noting its number, and take it for weighing at the scales that provide a price ticket.

After we had made our purchases we left and went to the ice cream shop for two caramel & nut ices.   Absolutely fabulous.   Then I popped in a shop in the centre and bought some egg cups.   After topping up with petrol at the equivalent of 84.5p per litre we set off for Finca Manolo.   Again we drove through this lovely scenery.

We got back, and, on entering the premises found the kitchen floor and the patio outside very wet with water.   It had flowed from a loo across the kitchen and out of the door.   I telephoned Phil, the owner's brother, and he came over to see what was the problem.   Neither of us could work how the problem had arisen.   By the time he arrived I had mopped up the excess.

Right now we have a dry kitchen floor and all is well.   Let's hope tomorrow brings no problems!    there has been only one year - 2013, when the house has behaved itself.   Something always kicks off!   After all this I cooked two chicken fillets and we had them with baked potatoes.   They tasted very good indeed.

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