Saturday 5 September 2015

The Weather is off

Now, although the weather is not what e expected it has to be said that this will not effect the way we enjoys ourselves.   Assuming that our weather matches that for Malaga we shall pass through 2/3 days of rain and thunder storms.   I have no doubt this will clear the way for much better weather in the rest of our holiday.   It is inconceivable that we shall experience bad weather for 3 weeks.
Today was a funny day - funny peculiar.   Pauline struggled to propel herself in her wheelchair round the Eroski Hypermarket (between Velez-Malaga and Torre del Mar).    We were there to do the initial shop.   We drove there watching the road signs like hawks as on a previous occasion the Police stopped me for speeding when it was a truly minor infringement.   At certain junctions (and these can be involving feeder roads which are tracks) the speed limit drops from 80kph to 60 and then 40.   If the police happen to site an unmarked car there you get caught if doing over that very short distance a speed in excess of the sign you have passed.   You might be exceeding 60 kph (about 40mph) or 40 kph (about 25mph).   The idea of stopping you farther down the road and booking you is to help to get Spain out of its deficit.   On any other occasion this would be a waste of Police time.   Anyway, we saw no Fuzz!
It took a long time to get everything we wanted.   We spent quite a lot of time at the sea food counter and the deli.   You have to get a ticket with a number and then wait to make sure you don't lose your turn.   The beautiful young lady who served me was very helpful.   I told by sign language what and how many I wanted and she did the rest.   She even cleaned the fish for me.   It is all in the freezer!   The same approach worked at the deli counter where we bought Manchego cheese, chorizo and Serrano ham.   After this we had to try and locate the aisles for all the many things we needed.   In the fruit & veg section, unless there is a label saying otherwise, a number is displayed for each fruit or veg item.   This number you input at the label machine.   You then get a price label calculated by weight.   Stick it on your item and the cashier can deal with it when you check out.
Having bought up the store, we left and brought the goods back to Finca Manolo.   We used the prawns with a leftover rice salad  for lunch.   In the evening we had pasta with sea food and it was good.   It was washed down with Faustino V white wine.   This is a favourite of ours.   It is a white Rioja of real quality for about £3.00 a bottle.   We were tired after this big shop so we sat down to some wonderful ice cream in the shopping centre.   Last time we sat here we saw Michael Fish, the retired weather forecaster.  
We drove home without picking up a speeding ticket and enjoyed a quiet day that was warm but very cloudy.   Better days will come!   Finca Manolo is in a lovely spot with true 360 degree views.   There are two cats, Marmy & Tiddy.   Marmy is the battle scarred one!   They love to share our food, given the chance.   We don't allow this.  
My cousin drives to Portugal from Santander every January and says they are not on holiday but living in a different place   This describes what we do.  We love the south of Spain as it is very warm in September without damaging our skin.   We shall return!!!

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