Sunday 6 September 2015

The day that the rains came down!

The title of this account uses a song title from many years ago.   If you remember it you are very old!   Late morning saw the opening of heavy clouds above us.   Unlike the Anglesey rain it was not horizontal but vertical!   I cannot remember experiencing rain that heavy.   It was hitting the flat roof over the terrace and causing a waterfall onto the cover of the hot tub.   It was very loud.   Looking out of the window I saw nothing over three feet away.   As we sat in the lounge, reading, Pauline had to move away from a drip emanating from the roof apex and striking the settee.   As I had noticed Noah sailing by I thought I had better check out the property further.   There was water on the floor tiles going into the bathroom which I mopped up.   On checking the swimming pool I noted the tide had risen somewhat.   This morning, after overnight rain, there was a large puddle on the hot tub cover.   There was still enough dry cover for Tiddy the cat to lie on and snooze.   But not now.
We have had the odd rainy day in the past but this time we are getting much more.   Monday & Tuesday are forecast to be thunder & lightning and then Mister Sun comes out and stays with us!   So there is much to look forward to.   This rain reminded me of the deluge we experienced in Toledo three years ago.   So I can say without reserve that "the rain in Spain" does not fall "mainly in the plain".   We are up in the mountains!

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