Saturday 17 September 2016

The last few days have been difficult as my Internet went dead slow so that no real use of it could be made.   I think Orange went slow because our tablets worked normally.   The result was no blog.

However, I can report that we did have rain - one hour of it on Tuesday around 5.00pm.   Other than this we have had cartloads of sun!   We have made even more use of the swimming pool and it has helped Pauline's back pain enormously.   About 25 miles along a winding mountain road is the Eroski Hypermarket.   There we stocked up with loads of food earlier in the week and topped up our petrol.   My cooking has been much appreciated so far.   Tonight we are having chicken drumsticks in a mixture of rice and veg.   Last night entailed sausages which tasted good.   These were done on the BBQ so got a good flavour in them.

The other day we decided to drive over to the mountain village of Competa a few miles east of Velez-Malaga.   The approach road is a littler over 8 miles long and is the most winding road we have ever travelled.   We found the central square where we parked and found a table for lunch.   For 8 euros each we had a starter and a main course plus beer & coffee!   We chose soup - Pauline opted for fish soup which she thought exceptional and I chose gazpacho.   Full of taste!!   We chose hake for main course and this tasted good too.   Naturally we got fries as well.   The beer was good, served in chilled glasses, and so was the coffee.

After lunch we rediscovered a pottery shop and Pauline chose a vase to bring home.   They also sold belts so I bought two in the hope they fitted better than my others which were bought before I lost 4 stones in weight.   We drove back to base via Eroski where we got a few essentials.   Once back the pool was calling!

Each evening we have sat watching the mountains all around and sipping G & Ts.   It is a beautiful place.   Eventually the local water supply is back up to pressure so today will be washing day.   Unfortunately we are at the end of the Colmenar water system so we are at risk of drying up sometimes.   Although we have a reserve supply it does not feed the washing machine.   The Comares supply starts next door but one where there is always loads of water.   Just our luck.

The road between us and Colmenar is a wonderful one to drive along with views to so many majestic mountains and rocks.   I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to the village yesterday when I did some shopping.

This holiday is doing us both an amazing amount of good and I hope we continue feeling like this for some time to come.

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