Monday 19 September 2016


Never trust a map!   I didn't but could see how easy it would be to get the wrong impression of a journey by consulting a map.   We decided that, as today was forecast to be cloudy, we would see what this village was like.   Stunning views were promised and the promise was kept.   However, I set the satnav to direct me to Periana and it performed as expected.   Had I trusted the map I later read I would have thought I was on the wrong road.   The map showed the route to a short straight line followed by a right turn onto a long straight line.   The road we travelled was incredibly winding!   In this part of the world you can draw a straight line between two points and measure the distance which will be about a quarter of the road travelled.   The whole area is covered in winding roads circumventing hills and mountains.   The locals must clock up quite a fuel bill in relation to their driving about the area.

I filled the tank and we set off via the nearest village, Riogordo.   The roads twisted and turned and there were a great many signs telling me the road surface was poor.   As we got nearer to Periana we saw mountains close up which were stunning in their majestic features.   Sadly there was nowhere to pull off the road and get some photos.   Periana itself turned out to be a very well kept village with views of Lake Vinuela in the south.   Outside the "town hall" there was a lovely viewing terrace.   We were impressed.

The clouds that had been forecasted were not as bad as we expected so we got some sunshine too.   We returned to Finca Manolo to have lunch and then we got total cloud cover.   Tomorrow should start the same but eventually we should have wall to wall sun and blue sky.   The rest of the week is expected to be hot.

This, so far, has been the most relaxing holiday we have ever had.   Not bad say I!

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