Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Market we never saw

This morning we drove to Barbezieux to visit the market there.   It was about three quarters of an hour to get there.   On arrival we had to locate the market.   However, we discovered that whichever way we approached it we would have to negotiate a hill with the wheelchair.   Having gone round the town three times we decided to drive to Chalais and buy some wine to bring home with us.
However, the drive to Barbezieux was through some lovely countryside - mostly single track roads.   This was no problem for someone living in Anglesey - we have them in plenty!   At one point we came to a village on a hillside that looked beautiful.   We drove through past a very attractive village church.
Returning to Chalais we did our shop for wine and delivered it to La Belle Aube before popping along for the umpteenth time to have gallettes in the square at Aubeterre in the sunshine.   Later we drove across the main road and over the bridge to park up for a few minutes by the River Dronne.   The river is the border between Charente and Dordogne.   There is a fairly modern bridge that looks quite pretty and beneath was swimming a middle aged man.   He looked as if he was heading for the sea eventually!   I thought the water would be cold, but he was obviously unaffected by it.
It is now 4.00pm French time and we are back at La Belle Aube for a laze in the sun.   Yesterday we bought some sizeable lamb chops and these will be eaten as part of this evening's meal.   I wonder how they will compare with Welsh lamb?

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