Wednesday 24 September 2014


About 50 minutes away from us is the small town of Riberac where we planned to do some shopping in a LARGE supermarket.   The idea was to buy some more wine to bring home with us.   We had already covered red wine so it white that we sought.
Setting off proved rather problematic because I could not find Riberac on the satnav.   I found this incredible until I tried a slightly different way of getting it to recognise the name.   I pressed a button called "Tolerant" and found this was how to do it.   It's all to do with the French language.   The normal alphabet on the system doesn't have accented letters and the letter "e" in Riberac has an acute accent over it.   Once we were over this difficulty the route was calculated and we set off to get petrol for the trip.
Having reached the town later we had to search for either of the two large supermarkets there - Intermarche or Leclerc.   We found Leclerc and shopped there.   Their wine section was superb as were their prices.   We came away with some excellent white wine.   Now that we had done the shopping we looked for a restaurant where we could have lunch - result NIL!   Not to worry because Aubeterre was on the way back.   We parked up in the village square and sat down at a table outside the Hotel de France.   Our meal was excellent and I sampled foie gras for the first time.   We had Poisson du Jour for our main course and were not disappointed.   It came with chips which were cooked with a difference that gave them a unique flavour.   Part way through the meal a customer drove off in a splendid SS Jaguar which woke any villagers slumbering just then.
After our meal we came back to base and sat by the pool for the afternoon.   Tomorrow we are driving to the town, Cognac.   Yes, famous for the amazing brandy produced there.   We hope it will be interesting.

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