Monday 20 June 2016

Wet all afternoon

We didn't expect hot sunny days here and we have not been disappointed!   Since lunch it has rained and we have rested in the house.   This morning we drove round the locality looking for a couple of places that looked interesting in our local guide book.   We found neither of them but did succeed in locating Pornic War Cemetery which is across the road from the municipal cemetery.   As war cemeteries go it is tiny but, as expected, it is completely weed free!   I noticed how the headstones were perfectly aligned.   It reminded me of the lines of guards at the Trooping the Colour last week, except that perfection reigns here.

Last night we ate at Villa Noe again and the food was excellent.   We actually got through it and the waiter, remembering our capitulation the previous night, congratulated us.   In a few minutes we are off there again!

This morning I pulled a leg muscle which has since given me some pain.   I tried a pharmacy to get some pain killing gel but they were closed for the day - marvellous!

Despite this weather we are enjoying a relaxed stay.   After all, if we were at home and it was raining we should be indoors.   The house is immaculate and we enjoy some excellent facilities.   Tomorrow, weather permitting, we hope to see the location of the famous St. Nazaire raid of World War 2 when HMS Campbelltown was sailed into the lock gates to blow up later and prevent the Tirpitz being able to use the dry dock if she were to venture out to sea and be disabled.

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